1st Harefield Scout Group

Providing opportunities for young people aged 6 to 14 to gain #skillsforlife

Due to lifting of restrictions, we have now re-opened our group. We have had our COVID risk assessment approved Click to view and we have contacted all our parents with start back dates and times. We will continue to follow official guidance; the safety of everyone involved in Scouts, both young people and adults, is our number one priority. That is always at the heart of our decision making.

6 - 8 yr olds
Meet Wednesdays
6pm until 7.15pm

8 - 10 yr olds
Meet Thursdays
6.30pm until 8pm

10 - 14 yr olds
Meet Tuesdays
7pm until 8.30pm

Re-opening Information: Hooray!! We have now re-opened our Group for face to face Scouting. 

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